[Promotion] PORTERHOUSE is BACK!! Best Deals in TOWN! ⚡⚡ P O R T E R H O U S E S T E A K 🥩

Best Deals in TOWN! ⚡⚡
The irresistible Arno’s Dry Aged Beef
🥩 P O R T E R H O U S E S T E A K 🥩
The King of Steak
Porterhouse is huge to the edge of the plate
It’s the good combination of the tender Filet Mignon with the meaty-flavored New York strip,
The best choice, if you have doubted what steak should pick
Our Porterhouse Steak Served with Café de Paris Butter 🧈
+ 2 Side Dishes
🍟 Pomme Paille with Garlic Powder
🥓Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus
PORTERHOUSE Dry-Aged weight ~500 – 600 g.
💗 45 Days => 990.-
💛 75 Days => 1,290.-
🧡 80 Days => 1,390.-
Limited Stocks!
Available 1 May – 3 June 2021
At All Arno’s Group Restaurants
*** These prices are subject to 7% VAT and Service Charge 4%
#Arnos #ArnosGroup #Restaurant #Promotion # Porterhouse #PommePaille #Bacon #Wrapped #Asparagus #BestSteak #DryAgedBeef #Steak #Burger #ร้านอาโนส์ #อาโนส์ #โปรโมชั่น