[Promotion] Tasty Slow Cooked P A L E R O N ♨️ The taste you will love!

Tasty Slow Cooked
P A L E R O N ♨️
The taste you will love!
The gelatinous band, which crosses it in the center of the PALERON,
gives inimitable texture and incomparable softness
by melting during long and soft cooking.
Our Slow Cooked Beef Paleron served with Red Wine Balsamic Reduction
Paired with Spicy Beef Salad with Lemon Grass and Mint (Thai Style)
Just only 890.-
This is the dish that you can’t miss!
The Delicious Meal Available From
Available 23-29 October 2020
At All Arno’s Group Restaurants
EXCEPT for ArnoThai-Thonglor
*** These prices are subject to 7% VAT and Service Charge 4%
#Arnos #ArnosGroup #Restaurant #Promotion
#Paleron #BestSteak #DryAgedBeef #Steak #Burger
#ร้านอาโนส์ #อาโนส์ #โปรโมชั่น